Warriors world Wiki



Thanks to Silverwhisker for the picture ;-; looks like Bloodkit lol

Do you not like basic, boring fanfictions? Well, then, "The Bloodriver," is the fanfiction for you! Maybe Bloodkit gets kicked out of the Clan, or maybe even becomes leader! Find out in, "The Bloodriver!"         

"Patrols have scented ThunderClan on ShadowClan hunting grounds! Care to explain yourselves?!" Falconstar yowled.

        Several RiverClan cats gasped and WindClan cats hissed.
           Flamestar stepped forward and yowled back, "ThunderClan would never stray to ShadowClan territory!"
     Several ThunderClan cats yowled their agreements.
           "Liar!" a black she-cat from ShadowClan yowled.
             "They must be stealing prey!"
             "Whatever they're doing, if they don't admit to it and stop, ShadowClan and ThunderClan are at war!" Falconstar yowled in reply.
               Flamestar shook his head.
     "I am sorry, Falconstar, but ThunderClan will not admit to something we did not do!" Flamestar yowled in reply.
             "Fine! We are now at war, Flamestar! Mark my words, you will pay!"
            Several cats yowled at ThunderClan and ShadowClan cats and leaped at each other, but RiverClan, WindClan, and SkyClan yowled, "Back to camp!"

           "Flamestar?" Emberheart looked in the leader's den, but he was not there.

            Flamestar hissed and scratched at Falconstar, but it was no use. Falconstar would kill him, after all, Flamestar only had two lives left.
             "You never should have challenged ShadowClan!" Falconstar snarled before slashing Flamestar's throat.
       Flamestar's body went limp, but soon he had Falconstar pinned.
             One life left!

Falconstar pushed up with his front paws, sending Flamestar falling to the ground off of him.

                  "I give no mercy," Falconstar snarled, pushing Flamestar off the cliff they were near.
            Flamestar looked at Falconstar and frowned.
               "I am sorry it had to end this way, Flamestar," Falconstar mewed, and Flamestar was no longer in sight.

                                                 CHAPTER ONE

"Waaake uuuuuuppppp!" cried Icekit, shaking her little brother.

          The tiny little tom just rolled over, attempting to ignore her.
             "My little kit?" The kit mewled in annoyance.
            "Kit?" The tiny little tom mewled again and twitched his tail.
              "Dawnflower, your kit is taking a while to open his eyes!" Duskwhisker lay on her back in her nest, commenting on the tiny kit.
                 "My kits opened their eyes very quick!" Duskwhisker boasted.
               Dawnflower stared at Duskwhisker and scoffed.
                 "He'll open his eyes when he's ready!" she defended.
                   Duskwhisker huffed and rolled over, eyes closed.

     The little kit opened his eyes.
               "YOU'RE AWAAAAAAAAAAAKKKE!" Icekit squealed and the kit flinched at her loud cry.
                   "Hello, little kit!" Dawnflower mewed.
                       "Hmmm, I'll name you Bloodkit!" she purred as Bloodkit rolled over on his back.
                    "Oh, he's finally awake? And what kind of name is 'Bloodkit?'" Duskwhisker snickered.
                 Dawnwhisker gave a little huff and moved Duskwhisper's tail.
                          "Oh, come on! I'm only messing with him!" Duskwhisker laughed, nudging Dawnwflower.
                      "Bloodkit!" Icekit called as the two queens argued.
                         Bloodkit mewed, "What?"
                           "Do you want to play moss-ball, or Clans, or play-fight?"
                    Bloodkit smiled slightly and pinned Icekit.
                      "BloomClan shall pay for stealing MouseClan prey!" Bloodkit squeaked.
                             "Bloodfang? Deputy of MouseClan? Beat me? Icewhisper? Ha! You make me laugh!" Icekit laughed, kicking him off.
                      "Tch, Mousestar, Blacktail, and I will beat your patrol, Icewhisper!" Bloodkit scoffed, Mousekit and Blackkit stepped beside him.
              "Well, Frostfang, Pouncefang, and I will beat you!" Icekit spat, Pouncekit and Frostkit stepping beside her.
          "Tch, nah! Never going to happen!" Bloodkit leaped at her.
                Mousekit leaped at Frostkit and Pouncekit leaped at Blackkit.
                  Blackkit leaped at Pouncekit and they both fell to the ground, but Blackkit quickly got up and reared up on his hind legs.
                 Mousekit gently pushed Blackkit over after getting out of Frostkit's grip.

                                             CHAPTER TWO

Cloudkit gave a squeaky hiss and pushed Pouncekit away.

             "Cloudkit? CLOUDKIIITTT!"

"Leave me alone, I want to sleep!" Cloudkit whined.



"Ugh fine."

Pouncekit breathed in the air outside.

"Hey, Pouncekit!" Bloodkit and Mosakit were sitting somewhere, waiting for the others.

"Hi!" Pouncekit squeaked as he bounced over.

Mosskit signed something with her blue-gray-tipped-tail.

"Um...," Pouncekit mewed.

"She says hi!" Bloodkit mewed, and the brown-and-ginger-and-gray-and-white-and-black-and-blue-gray she-kit known as Mosskit nodded her head.

"Okay," he mewed and Cloverkit turned his head to Doekit and Silverkit, Doekit's pale-brown-and-cream fur ruffled and Silverkit's silver fur was messy.

"Didn't your mother groom you? Like she always does?" Bloodkit squeaked and the sisters shook their heads.

"She's asleep, and doesn't know we're out here. She's okay with it, though. She always is."

"Okay." Pouncekit nodded.

"Mosskit?" Pouncekit tipped his head to one side in confusion.

Her eyes! She's. . . . . . she's blind, isn't she!? Pouncekit realized with surprise. Yes? Mosskit signed.

When Pouncekit didn't reply, Mosskit flattened her ears, her clear blue gaze softening. "Yes, I am blind, thank you for noticing."

Pouncekit ducked his head in shame.

Bloodkit flicked his tail, placing a paw on Mosskit's shoulder. "Yup!" the Burmese tom squeaked. "I guide her around camp a lot," Bloodkit chuckled. "Despite her being two moons older than me!"

Mosskit blushed, embarrassed.

Bloodkit was also bigger than the tiny Mosskit.

Every cat knew she was destined to be a medicine cat, but not if she wanted to.

Icekit glanced at her funny, and he didn't really know why, but she didn't seem to like her.

Speaking of Icekit, she was sitting nearby, a slight distance between her and Mosskit and Bloodkit.

Pouncekit decided to sit next to her. And he did.

Icekit gazed at him, staying silent. -

Icekit gazed at Pouncekit. Why did he choose to sit next to me? Not even my own brother will!

She opened her jaws to speak, but was cut off by a squeak of playful surprise from Bloodkit, who was now play-fighting with Mosskit. They were always together! Ever since Bloodkit met Mosskit, he never paid any attention to her. He was a fox-heart!

She looked away, staring off at the silvery-gray tabby apprentice with blue-gray stripes. "Hey, Jaypaw is a new apprentice, right?"

Pouncekit cocked his head. "Um. Yes?"

She nodded. "Okay. Good."

She saw Pouncekit's jaw drop at the corner of her eye, but she ignored him. Perhaps she and Jaypaw could become friends, or maybe more in the future.


Jaypaw glanced over his shoulder at Icekit, who was following him. "Um, hey, kit?"

Icekit's ears perked up and she shoved them forward.

"Why are you following me?"

"I wanna be friends!"

"The shy type? Don't talk unless you're spoken to?" he asked, amused.

"Yeah. . . ," she muttered, embarrassed.

Jaypaw flicked his tail onto her ear. "Well, I'll be your friend if you want!"

Icekit smiled. "Do you want to play?"

"After training, I promise!"

Icekit's tail drooped. "Oh. . . okay. What should I do in the meantime?"

"How about you play with your brother, Bloodkit?"

"He's always playing with Mosskit. I don't like Mosskit."

"I'd ask why, but I gotta go. Perhaps go to Pouncekit."

Icekit thought for a moment. She could tell Bloodkit to choose between her and Mosskit. But what good would that do? He'd obviously choose Mosskit. So how about playing with Pouncekit.

She turned around and stalked toward the oblivious tom.

Soon, she leaped, pummeling his spine.

He squeaked in surprise, flipping over, and kicking her off.

"Hahahaha~" purred Icekit.

Pouncekit lashed his brown-and-cream tail. "Icekit! You wanna play, huh? How 'bout ya stop tryna kill yer 'paw, eh?"

Iceki purred. "Well, young 'paw, you must be ready for anything!" she squeaked.

Pouncekit leaped at her, batting her nose, then cuffing her ears.

"Weak moves!" Icekit hissed playfully, kicking him off before lunging at him, pummeling his belly.

"Hey! Kits! Ya playin' somethin'?" Icekit turned around to see a gray-furred she-cat.

"Hey Grayfur! We're playing Apprentice and Mentor."

"Prr! Can I play?"

"Sure! You can be the leader?"

"Sure! What Clan again?"


Nodding, Grayfur approached them. "Greetings, young warriors."

"Warrior? He called me warrior!" Pouncekit squeaked.

Grayfur purred. "We need you on patrol. Sparrowflight sent me to tell you." He nodded toward Sparrowflight, who was standing nearby, tail waving.

"Okay, Graystar!"


Jaypaw sighed. "Finally, done with training! Now I can play with Icekit." He gazed around. "Speak of Mapleshade. . . . ," he purred.

Icekit was bouncing toward him, tail flicking up in excitement. "Hiya!" she squeaked.


"What took so long?"

"Hopepaw. Kept buggin' me."


"My friend. . ."

Icekit's fur bristled. "'Friend?' Is she just a friend? Y-you don't have a crush on her or anything?"

Jaypaw blinked. "Um. No?? Why???"

Icekit flattened her ears. "Replacement. . . . . Bloodkit replaced me with Mosskit!"

"Wait, replaced?"


"I'm sure he didn't replace you. I'm sure he only will - "

"Okay, okay," Icekit purred.

Icekit pounced on Jaypaw's tail. "Gotcha!" she squeaked.

Jaypaw swished it up, and Icekit latched onto it.

Bloodkit and Mosskit were nearby, squeaking and batting at each other.

She sighed. "Should we go play with them?"

Jaypaw nodded. "If you want."

Icekit slid down his tail and slowly padded over, followed by Jaypaw. "H-hey. . . . Bloodkit? Mosskit?"

Bloodkit turned his head.*

"Yes?" he asked. Icekit hasn't talked to me in awhile. I wonder why? And why now?

Icekit cleared her throat. "Can we play with you?"

"Uh, okay. We're just currently play-fighting, so, uh. Heh. . ."

Icekit lashed her tail. "Check out the cool battle moves Jaypaw taught me!" Icekit darted away.

Bloodkit cocked his head. Suddenly, he felt the crushing weight of his sister's paws as she dropped from a tree, onto his spine.

Bloodkit coughed a little. "Oof!"

Icekit bounced off. "Did I do good, Jaypaw, did I, did I?"

Jaypaw purred. "Very good."

"Every cat old enough to catch their own prey gather under Highstone for a Clan meeting!"

Jaypaw padded over. "That's our ceremony. My warrior, Mosskit and Pouncekit's apprentice."

Icekit scampered over, followed by Bloodkit, then Mosskit, who then leaned on the Burmese tom.

"We have apprentices ready to become warriors and kits who are ready to become warriors. Jaypaw, step forward."

Jaypaw took a big step forward, head held high.

"I, Darkstar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your nole code, and I commend him to be a warrior in his turn. Jaypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"

"Of course, I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Jaypaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Jayfur. StarClan honors your strength and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan. Hopepaw, step forward."

Icekit curled her lip as Hopepaw stepped out of the crowd.

"I, Darkstar, leader of ShadowClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to be a warrior in her turn. Hopepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do," Hopepaw mewed sweetly, excitement lined in her voice.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Hopepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Hopewish. StarClan honors your kindness and intelligence in battle, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan. Pouncekit, step forward."

Pouncekit bounced forward, mouth wide open in excitement.

"From this day forward, until he has earned his warrior name, he will be known as Pouncepaw. Hopewish, step forward. You have received excellent training from Grayfur, and I believe you are ready to take on an apprentice, despite your young age. May you pass on all you know onto Pouncepaw. Mosskit, step forward."

Mosskit didn't seem very excited, and hauled herself forward.

"Mosspaw has chosen a different path, the path of a medicine cat. You will go to the Moonstone - "


Darkstar gazed down at the kit who had said it. "Wait. I want to be a medicine cat."

Darkstar nodded. "Hmm? Bu-"

"I don't want to be a medicine cat!" Mosskit cried. "Duskwhisker insisted!"

"Very well. Grayfur, step forward. I believe you are ready to take on another apprentice. You will mentor Mosspaw, and I believe you will pass on all Sparrowflight taught you. Cloudkit, step forward."

Mosskit bounced back with Grayfur, now seeming happy.

"Cloudkit, step forward."

Cloudkit smiled, taking a big step forward and gazing up at Darkstar with huge hazel eyes.

"Cloudkit has chosen the path of a medicine cat. He will go to the Moonstone with Wispflower to be approved by StarClan. Meeting dismissed."


Bloodkit padded over to Mosspaw. "Hey!" he squeaked.

Mosskit looked at him. "Hey." Her voice was cool, normal for the most part, but she seemed happier than usual.

"Can we play?"

"After I come back from exploring camp."

Bloodkit nodded. "Okay."

                                          (NOT FINISHED)